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Normal high velocity solid dust impacts on tiles of tokamak-relevant temperature

M. De Angeli et al. - Nuclear Materials and Energy (2024)


Inertial Fusion Energy at First Light Fusion

Tackling Some Inertial Fusion Energy Challenges at the European XFEL, 2024 - Dr Francisco Suzuki-Vidal


Point projection radiography of electromagnetically accelerated flyer plates with an external X-pinch driver

J. Read et al. - Review of Scientific Instruments (2024)


Replication of near supersonic, runaway electron induced dust wall impacts using a two stage light gas gun

65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023), Denver, CO


Implementation and application of a simple radiation loss model for tamped volume ignition ICF targets

International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA) 2023 - Hannah Bellenbaum


Experimental measurements of shock conditions at the exit of a 1 TPa shock amplification system

International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA 2023)


A 0-dimensional electric gun model for the optimisation of flyer acceleration to hypervelocities

M. D. Fitzgerald, J. D. Pecover, N. Petrinic, D. E. Eakins - IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2023)


An introduction to First Light Fusion’s projectile driven ICF

High Energy Density Science Summer School, San Diego, CA (2023)


Mode 1 perturbations of multi shell ICF volume ignition implosions

High Energy Density Science Summer School, San Diego, CA (2023)


Multi group Eulerian radiation transport, nuclear burn with α particle transport, and new diagnostic features for First Light’s multi physics ICF code - B2

High Energy Density Science Summer School, San Diego, CA (2023)


Imaginary-time correlation function thermometry: A new, high-accuracy and model-free temperature analysis technique for x-ray Thomson scattering data

T. Dornheim, M. P. Böhme, D. A. Chapman, et al. - Physics of Plasmas (2023)


Electronic density response of warm dense matter

T. Dornheim, Z. A. Moldabekov, K. Ramakrishna, P. Tolias, A. D. Baczewski, D. Kraus, T. R. Preston. D. A. Chapman, et al. - Physics of Plasmas (2023)

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